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Benefit from being associated with North India's leading cargo & logistics congregation

EXIM INDIA is pleased to announce CONquest 2017, the Eight edition of the event, concurrent with the Northern India Multimodal Logistics Awards 2017 in 17th January 2017 at New Delhi.

Over the last Seven years, CONquest has gained in reputation as the foremost gathering of maritime, cargo and logistics sector leaders and professionals in North India, besides representatives from international trade, government and regulatory bodies, to confer on a range of issues associated with and impacting the various segments of the industry in the region.

Some of the most prominent of names have been part of the previous CONquests, and will again make their presence felt as speakers, panelists and knowledgeable delegates at the CONquest 2017 - Business Forum on Cargo, Infrastructure & Logistics.

The Northern India Multimodal Logistics Awards 2017 will also see sectoral representatives gather in strength for the premier acknowledgement of distinguished performance among companies and individuals, selected by an illustrious jury made up of some of the leading lights of the industry.

So, join us at CONquest 2017 and Northern India Multimodal Logistics Awards 2017 to discuss and deliberate, celebrate excellence, interact, and, of course, network.

We also offer you an opportunity to be an event partner of CONquest 2017. It will be an excellent forum to give that extra mileage and impetus to your business. It deserves nothing less.